JANTEX, established in 2005 and based in Hangzhou, China, is a reputable manufacturer and Supply Chain Integration Service provider specializing in ladies' fashion. Situated near Shanghai, Hangzhou is renowned as the fashion capital for women and celebrated as the birthplace of silk in China.
Jantex has transformed into a prominent provider of ladies' clothing since its establishment, offering a diverse range of garments to customers in the United States, European Union countries, and other global regions.
We apply the Agile Manufacturing philosophy and SCM system to offer our customers rapid development and delivery channels, ensuring that we can swiftly adapt to the ever-changing market demands and overcome the challenges of supply chain crisis brought about by the situation like COVID-19.
Our unparalleled quality assurance system and self-management processes distinguish us from our industry peers, garnering high recognition and compliments from our esteemed customers.
Our teams are comprised of passionate, highly-trained professionals who prioritize customer satisfaction and are dedicated to delivering the highest level of service to our customers, driven by a strong sense of responsibility and mission.
We are the preferred choice for numerous private labels, retailers, and brands to collaborate across various levels. Our primary focus is to closely partner with our customers in order to enhance their brand status by pushing boundaries in development, manufacturing, and technology.
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Copyright © 2024 Jantex International Limited
Jantex International
Tel: +86 571 85081971 85081972
Website: www.jantexchina.com
Email: biz@jantexchina.com
Add: 2M, 2/F, ZDI ZHIKU Creative Industrial Park,
No. 6, Lane 400, Shaoxing Road, Hangzhou 310004, China
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